Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 2

Day 2

Living on $11.25 per person for 5 day's is so far not to bad, a little hungry, but other wise the food is nice. Went shopping and noticed that a tin of fancy cat food was $1.30 and that would be only one "meal", your budget would blow after just two meals. But luckily for us were not cats!

Breakfast was very carefully measured out to the exact amounts, so we couldn't sneak more. 75c

For lunch we had toasted sandwiches, with banana and cinnamon as our fillings. 75c

For dinner there was nicely cooked pastor (oops, I meant pasta) with a tomato sauce. 40c, pasta on special, whole packet for $1, and mums homemade tomato sauce.

One apple. 33c our only snack through out the day.  

Sadly no nice desert like last night, but we grabbed some free grapefruit from church, "what
a score."

You might be wondering why I would do this?
Well, it is to save money to give to Tear Fund to help stop human trafficking. Also for an English project.
What is human trafficking?
It is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation. This is a huge problem around the world, especially in third world country's.

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